The International Journal of Psychoanalysis

2019. Vol. 100, N° 4
A tribute to Freud on the 80th Anniversary of his Death
Freud’s writing as a living creative presence in our minds: An introduction to Joan Riviere’s “A character trait of Freud’s”  635
Rachel B. Blass
A character trait of Freud’s by Joan Riviere (1958)  637
Joan Riviere
Psychoanalytic Theory & Technique
The analytic ideal and its countertransferential vicissitudes  640
Maciej Musiał
The polyphony of contemporary psychoanalysis: the multiple languages of man  656
Ruggero Levy
Educational and Professional Issues
Intervention into an institute at a crossroads: A methodology and rationale  674
John Lundgren
Interdisciplinary Studies
Self-insight  693
Michael T. Michael
Interdisicplinary Studies
The Group’s Vulnerability to Disaster: Basic Assumption and Work Group Mentalities Underlying Trump’s 2016 Election  711
Conrad Stephen Chrzanowski
Introduction to de M’Uzan’s paper “Interpreting: For Whom and Why?”  732
Dominique Scarfone
Interpreting: for whom, and why?  736
Michel de M’Uzan
Key Paper Discussion
Interpreting: for whom, and why?: The Perils of Metapsychology  744
Lewis Kirshner
Education Section
The ideas of the Paris Psychosomatic School  754
Philippe Jaeger
Intercorporeity and body language: The semiotics of mental suffering expressed through the body  769
Joachim Küchenhoff
Book Reviews
British psychoanalysis: New perspectives in the Independent tradition: edited by Gregorio Kohon, New Library of Psychoanalysis, London, Routledge, 2018, £29.99, ISBN 9781138579057  792
Ch. Lechartier Atlan
Sexual difference in debate: bodies, desires, and fictions: by Leticia Glocer Fiorini, London, Karnac Books, 2017, 198 pp., £26.09, ISBN 9781782204220  795
Nancy C. Winters
On dangerous ground: Freud’s visual cultures of the unconscious: by Diane O’Donoghue, New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, $118.44, 400pp. ISBN: 978-1501327957.  798
Anne Anlin Cheng
Mind, culture, and global unrest: psychoanalytic reflections: by Salman Akhtar, New York, Routledge, 2018, €26.99, 233 pp. ISBN: 978-1782200673  801
Michael Moskowitz
Œdipe médecin (séparation, dépression, sublimation): [Oedipus as therapist (separation, depression, sublimation)], by Paul Denis, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2017, 237 pp., €24. ISBN: 9782130797982  805
Bernard Brusset
The psychoanalyst and the child: From the consultation to psychoanalytic treatment: by Michel Ody, New York, Routledge, 2019, $39.95, 233 pp. ISBN: 978-1-138-38926-7  811
Gretchen A. Schmutz
The analyst’s experience of the depressive position: The melancholic errand of psychoanalysis: by Steven H. Cooper, London; New York, Routledge, 2016, 175 pp., £135. ISBN: 1138844101  813
Anand Desai
Beyond psychoanalytic literary criticism: Between literature and mind: 1st edition, by Benjamin H. Ogden, London and New York, Routledge, 2018, 124pp., $34.37. ISBN: 978-0-8153-7728-3  817
Masha Mimran
Psychic bisexuality: A British-French dialogue, edited by Rosine Jozef Perelberg, 2018, Routledge, London and New York, £27.69. ISBN: 9781138579033  821
Hannah Browne
Correction  825